In June, Jen and Peter got engaged! Although I haven't actually met Peter face to face, he seems like an amazing guy and I'm so excited for him to be part of our family.

Then in July, Andrew and Heather got engaged! Not only is Andrew getting a wife, he's also getting two kids, Adalee and Alec. They make an adorable family! Now my parents are suddenly grandparents- Nana and Papa- and Jen and I are aunts. It's a big change, but a fun one!
At the end of July, Andrew's best friend since birth, Jon Shoe, got married to one of my good friends from camp, Kait. Andrew was a groomsman and I was a candlelighter. It was a lot of fun to celebrate with them!
This past weekend, my parents and I got to take care of Adalee and Alec! They stayed at our house from Friday to Sunday, and we had a ton of fun with them! They are such good kids, and so comfortable with new people, which makes it really easy for us.
We went swimming...
they watched my dad play softball...
and we took them to the beach.

It was a lot of fun watching my parents become grandparents!
A couple other random things that have happened this month:
my mom and I finished our cross-stich projects!! After six months of hard work, we are very proud of our finished products.
I also got a couple new books that I'm really excited about!
Just Cupcakes is a really fun cookbook full of cupcake recipes and ideas. I've already made angel food cupcake recipe, and it was delicious!
Cold Tangerines is a book about celebrating the little joys of life by Shauna Niequist. Shauna has spoken in APU's chapel a few times and was a delight to hear. My friend Johanna just finished reading her book and told me I'd like it, so I decided to give it a try. I've already read the first out of four sections and I'm loving it! She's a great writer!
Finally, I went to an Angels baseball game with my good friend Sarah, her family, and her Greek friend Ekaterini (Katie). We were sitting right in front of a big group of Orioles fans who were very vocal throughout the game, but it was still very entertaining. It was a really close game and went into extra innings, but the Angels had a big finish and won 9-8 in the 12th inning. Very exciting! There was even a MercyMe concert afterward, which was just as good as the game!

It has been a really great summer!