Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bethany Johnson, RN

I took the dreaded NCLEX last Friday, January 28.

It was awful.

I felt like I didn't know the answers to any of the questions, except for one.

I finished in 75 questions, which is the minimum. (I was so relieved that I didn't have to take all 265!)

I was the first one done in the room, which made me sure that I had rushed through the questions too quickly and failed.

But no matter how horrible I felt, I couldn't stop smiling once I left the testing center because it was all over with!

Four days later my name was listed on the Board of Registered Nursing website with an RN license number next to it.

That means that I passed the NCLEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And today, this came in the mail:

I am officially a Registered Nurse!!!!!